Well, it’s over. Take Two is safely back in the water and another epic haulout is behind us. We shouldn’t have to worry about that again for a few years, and future haulouts should be much simpler.
We’re all eager to get back to life aboard now, probably none moreso than the cat. Spice stayed in the boat for the duration, which was probably the least traumatic option for her. But between swinging in the air, days on end of noisy power tools powering away beneath her, the thrice-a-day freight train passing by within 50 feet, and just plain loneliness, she got pretty tired of it toward the end. I fed her out of guilt and I think she put on about a pound, so she didn’t have it all bad, but she’s definitely happy to have her family back.
We really enjoyed living ashore for a while, and more than once commented that we should remember this. Living on a boat isn’t always sunsets and umbrella drinks, and maybe it’s good for us to take a break every once in a while.